Celebrating “Yester-Times”    November 23, 2017

Connecting means bonding! Connecting with young children is challenging, as most young kids are so active, it’s hard to find something you can do together that’s memorable, even when you are with them. To establish a connection, first you need to interact in meaningful experiences together. This is important! If two individuals (an adult and a child, or even two adults) don’t experience meaningful activity together, it’s difficult to connect on a personal level.

When distance and time separates everyone, it’s hard to build and maintain a connection. If you can connect from common experiences you interacted in together, it’s easier to establish a bond that lasts a long time! Many grandparents have participated in everyday activities with grandchildren such as going to the grocery store, making breakfast together, blowing bubbles, or visiting the zoo. Once these activities are over and grandma or grandpa leave, young children quickly move on to the next thing, and forget about special times they’ve experienced with their grandparent. How can memories be created that last and let kids remember who they experienced them with?

When distance and time separates everyone, it’s hard to build and maintain a connection.

There’s no question that reading to young children is a great way to engage with them. It’s also a perfect way to establish a strong connection, even when you’re a long-distance relative. Several years ago, we had a somewhat different take on this idea when we created the Sticking With Family® book series – we wanted to connect with our grandson to make memories that would last a long time.

The word “Yester-Times” was actually invented by our grandson, Beckett. It happened following a holiday visit when we were preparing to leave Beckett’s home. As Beckett viewed photos of past visits from several months earlier, he lit up and became extremely excited. Trying to find the right words, he said… “Grammy, just remember the “Yester-Times.” It was his way of telling us he remembered past visits and had great memories of activities we’d participated in together!


We are Rick and Angela Blesi, and are long-distance grandparents ourselves. During the long drive home following this visit, we wondered how our two-and-a-half-year-old grandchild would remember his grandparents, as he only saw us four or five times a year. Kids are so busy and active that we believed Beckett probably would just go to the next ….

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Celebrating “Yester-Times”


Grandparents, this is all about YOU!

CONNECTING.    long-distance grandparents with grandchildren

personalized-sticker-books-20Every grandparent feels a connection with their grandchildren. But when you’re only able to see them once in a while, it’s difficult to create a close relationship and stay connected.  Grandparents who don’t live near their grandchildren (aka long-distance grandparents) struggle to develop close bonds with their grandkids!

Several challenges grandparents face in connecting with grandchildren include: job-related travel, families that move to different areas of the country, divorces and separations, as well the fact that everyone is extremely busy. In today’s hectic world, it’s difficult to maintain a close connection and bond with young grandchildren you don’t often see.

Connecting means bonding! It’s a challenging task, as young kids are so active, it’s hard to find something you can do together that’s memorable, even when you are with them. To establish a connection, first you need to interact in meaningful experiences together. This is important! If two individuals (an adult and a child, or two adults even) don’t experience meaningful activity together, it’s difficult to connect on a personal level.

As mentioned earlier, many grandparents are not part of their grandchildren’s daily lives. Additionally, when distance and time separates everyone, it becomes more difficult to first build, and then maintain a connection. If you can connect from common experiences you interacted in together, it’s much easier to establish a bond that lasts a long time!

Many grandparents have participated in everyday activities with grandchildren such as going to the grocery store, making breakfast together, blowing bubbles, or visiting the zoo. Once these activities are over and grandma or grandpa leave, young children will quickly move on to the next thing, and forget about special times they’ve experienced with you. How is it possible to re-live fun activities and help kids remember who they experienced them with?

That’s the reason STICKING WITH FAMILY® books were created. When you’re a long-distance grandparent and your visit ends, how can you get a young grandchild to remember you and the special activities you’ve experienced together? Do you buy a coffee mug with a picture on it, or a tee-shirt that says…” I LOVE GRANDMA”?  Or, maybe purchase a new teddy bear to give them before you leave? How about a story book that has their name printed in it?

We don’t believe any of these gifts create closeness, as there’s nothing that connects an experience with the people who participated in the activity (grandparent + grandchild). However, three key factors can greatly enhance the ability to connect:

  • Recall special activities you’ve experienced together
  • Provide a means to identify participants in those activities (photo stickers)
  • Allow the participants to interactively build a unique story about their adventures

When children “stick” photo stickers in a book of someone’s face they recognize that re-tells stories of fun times spent together, a close bond is created. It’s an interactive experience that connects two people! Young kids don’t recognize words printed in a book, but they will readily remember fun times with face stickers and illustrated stories about themselves and their grandma or grandpa.

The focus of our books is to have the adult read (and embellish on) each story page. Then, your grandchild “sticks” photo stickers on each page to complete the stories. This way the two of you develop your own special narrative about time spent together, and create a special book about your adventures. When your visit ends, your grandchild has a book that’s filled with photo stickers and activities you experienced together.

Long-distance grandparents will find these books create a bond and a connection that’s difficult to break, even when the participants don’t see each other every day. Grandkids can have the book read to them over-and-over again and they will always remember their grandparents and fun things they did together! This makes these books a great gift that will create long-lasting memories and be meaningful for a long time!

Happy grandparenting!


Hi, we are Rick and Angela Blesi, parents, grandparents, “want-to-be” gourmet cooks, Netflix junkies, retired and writing children’s books.

Our grandson came up with the words “Yester-Time” during our past holiday visit. We were having this great adult conversation with a four-year-old and he was so excited to remind us of fun activities we experienced together during some of our visits.  He giggled, wiggled and tried to describe these activities. His words did not come out fast enough for him and he said, “Grammy, just remember the “Yester-Times”.

We know that all grandparents love and miss their grandchildren, especially when they live so far away.  As long-distance grandparents we always try to come up with new activities he will remember us by. And yes, he remembers!  Time flies so quickly. These little ones are born and in a blink, they are off to college. The big question is: how do you connect and stay connected with your grandchildren that do not live nearby and you only see them a few times a year?

On one of our earlier visits with Beckett, it was difficult to leave and we would always wonder…”will he remember the fun times we had?”  During our drive home we discussed the best ways to keep us present in his life. We came up with the idea of using photo face stickers (customized) in a book we could read together, and our grandson could even read it when we are not with him. We knew this was a unique idea that we had not seen before in children’s books. Let the creation begin!  Our books are very different in that we use face photos of the grandchild and grandparent to tell stories together. There are many books with grandkids’ names in them, but what is better than a face photo?  It’s almost like looking in a mirror!

Our special book for grandchildren and their grandparents relates family stories. What a better way to help keep families together in our busy world.  This is “why” we created Sticking With Family Books.  Our first book, A Fun Day With Grandpa is dedicated to the wonderful bonding that Rick and Becket have together. Of course, A Fun Day With Grandma had to be written for Grammy Angela! Now grandparents and grandchildren and their memories are only a face away!

We hope the word “Yester-Time” has caught your attention Moms and Dads.  Long-distance grandparents want to be remembered by their grandkids and these books help achieve that goal. By letting young kids interact with Grandma or Grandpa while placing face stickers in a book of their adventures, you create long lasting memories. At the same time, kids are exposed to early reading development, storytelling and communication from a family perspective. There will always be “Yester-Times” but now with photo face stickers just for you!

– Rick and Angela Blesi